Veteran Edmund Kozlowski
American Legion Riders Post 104
PGR Ride for Veteran Edmund John Kozlowski
2 April 2007, Pinellas Park, Florida
Edmund John Kozlowski, 90, of Pinellas Park, died Thursday (March 8, 2007) at Hospice House Woodside. He was born in Mount Carmel, PA., and came here in 1977 from Gilbert, PA. He was a music teacher. He was an Army veteran of World War II and Catholic. Survivors include five sons, Phillip, Aurora, IN., Edmund J. Jr., Pinellas Park, Stephen, Richmond, VA., David, Keller, TX, and Peter, Anchorage, AK; a brother, John, Freeland, MD.; 11 grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Edmund Kozlowski Sr., was the father of Florida Patriot Guard member Hotglass.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Mr. Kozlowski and are grateful for his service.
Riders from around the state began arriving early at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. Many different American Legion Rider Posts were represented. Saint and Boff from American Legion Post 104 in Pinellas Park, Ranger from the American Legion Post 312 in Oneco, Florida, and Bill Hood representing his American Legion Post in Sarasota, Florida.Mailman led the ride for the National PGR assisted by Misdirection and Squiggly. There were many independents riding on this mission.
Mailman from the National Patriot Guard Riders Organization Members and friends from the Christian Motorcycle Association
Boff from the Special Forces Motorcycle Club standing the flag line
Charley stands next to Michelle on the line.
Ranger, ALR & FPG and Graysoftail of the FPG arrive. Soon there were many bikes in the church parking lot.
Dynapilot and Ranger exchange views Graysoftail, Dynapilot and Ranger
While the service was conducted a group of the riders rode on to Bay Pines. We stopped and had lunch and cooled off as we awaited the arrival of the Kozlowski family. Soon the motorcycles again roared to life and rumbled into the peaceful cemetery at Bay Pines.
Bay Pines is a beautiful area with a rich history. The National Cemetery there rest on the shores of Boca Ciega Bay offering gentle bay breezes and a magnificant view. It is a beautiful place to visit and a fine location to choose for a final resting place.
Once at the memorial site in Bay Pines a Flag Line was formed to embrace the Kozlowski family. So much is owed the veterans of Ed's generation, the debt can never be repaid. The best we can do is attempt to build on the legacy they left us and make it all better for the next generation.
It is always a sad event when families loose loved ones. But when that loved one has led a long, productive life the saddness is tempered with the joy they brought us while here. Ed Kozlowski left a great legacy and loving family behind.
Today we laid to rest a patriot who served his country honorably when called. The dedication and sacrifices of his generation insured the survival of the present. It was a great honor to be invited to bid this gentleman farewell. Rest in peace Edmund Kozlowski and thank your answering the call when your nation needed you. It was you and your comrades who saved the world and made it a better place of all of us.
Lowell St Cyr "Saint"
© 2007 ALR Post 104